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# | Título de la respuesta | Resultado de la información | Fecha | Usuario | Foro |
RE: GISWATER install plugin 3.5.041 - Couldn't load plugin 'giswater' due to an error when calling its initGui() method | 2 Relevancia | hace 6 meses | abofill | FORUM EN | |
Hello Geoffrey, Can you please add some picture of the message? As complete as you can, because an ERROR when calling its initGui() method is so generic. Thanks | |||||
GISWATER install plugin 3.5.041 - Couldn't load plugin 'giswater' due to an error when calling its initGui() method | 2 Relevancia | hace 7 meses | Geoffrey | FORUM EN | |
I am tring to install GISWATER plugin 3.5.041 on QGIS 3.28.15 but i get an ERROR "Couldn't load plugin 'giswater' due to an ERROR when calling its initGui() method" What shoul be the way foreward. | |||||
RE: error en tstamp al importar datos de otra shape - proyecto UD | 2 Relevancia | hace 11 meses | Mader43 | FORO ES | |
It seems there's an issue with copying and pasting elements and attributes from the original shapefile to the "Node" layer in GISWATER. The ERROR you encounter during "Save Edit" likely involves the "tstamp" field. Ensure that the data types and formats are compatible, and consider checking the timestamp values to resolve the ERROR. | |||||
RE: node_border_expl does not exist error | 2 Relevancia | hace 11 meses | abofill | FORO ES | |
Hello @GKirui, It looks like some function is trying to use node_border_expl table but it doesn't exists anymore. This table was created on version 3.5.031 but lately deleted on 3.5.035. Maybe some function are not properly updated. Have you updated your giswater project from previous versions to finally reach 3.5.041? Is there another message to show exactly at which line the ERROR is produced? | |||||
node_border_expl does not exist error | 2 Relevancia | hace 1 año | Geoffrey | FORO ES | |
Hello, I am using GISWATER plugin version 3.5.041, QGIS 3.28, PostgreSQL 14, PostGIS 3 and I am having an ERROR when I try to edit node geometry of existing feature e.g node that I want to move. The ERROR is node_border_expl does not exist. Previously nodes could be edited, moved to new location on the map with associated arcs. Help | |||||
error en tstamp al importar datos de otra shape - proyecto UD | 2 Relevancia | hace 1 año | eladio.alvarez | FORO ES | |
... exploitation, macrodma, dma, macrosectors, sectors sin problema. Con todo esto he creado en el shape original todos los atributos que salen en la definición de la capa de GISWATER para nodos (node_id, code, top_elev, custom_top_elev...) y he rellenado la información. Una vez configurada la información gráfica de origen para que siga la misma estructura de datos que usa GISWATER, he procedido a incorporar los nodos a la capa "Node" dentro de "Inventory/Network". Selecciono los elementos del shp original, doy orden de "Copiar" y en la tabla de atributos "N ... | |||||
Error al cargar inp | 2 Relevancia | hace 2 años | dayanaa2727 | FORO ES | |
HOLA, INTENTE CARGAR UN ARCHIVO INP PARA CREAR EL ESQUEMA, SIN EMBARGO NO ME PERMITE CREARLO, YA QUE ME GENERA EL SIGUIENTE ERROR, DE QUE MANERA SE PUEDE SOLUCIONAR? INSERT INTO vi_timeseries SELECT csv1::character varying, csv2::character varying, csv3:: character varying, csv4:: numeric FROM temp_csv where source like '%[TIMESERIES]%' AND fid=239 AND (csv1 NOT LIKE '[% AND csv1 NOT LIKE';%') AND cur_user='postgres' ORDER BY id>> función PL/pgSQL gw_fct_importswmm_inp(json) en la línea 434 en executeno se puede insertar en la vista <<vi_t ... | |||||
RE: ERROR 207 | 2 Relevancia | hace 2 años | csar | FORO ES | |
Hola, Dayana! Ha conseguido solucionar el ERROR? Si no, podría especificar un poco más en qué proceso exactamente le pasa? Gracias. Un saludo. | |||||
ERROR 207 | 2 Relevancia | hace 2 años | dayanaa2727 | FORO ES | |
Al importar los resultados, me genera este ERROR ERROR 207: duplicate ID name 5661 at line 1954 of [ORIFICE] section: 5661 5740 6073 SIDE 0.0000 0.6500 NO 0.0000 Donde puedo corregirlo o de que manera? | |||||
RE: ERROR 202 | 2 Relevancia | hace 2 años | xtorret | FORO ES | |
Los id's de los objetos node, arc, conne deben ser INTEGERS... Trabajar con id's no integer limita las funcionalidades de Giswater, es por ello que ciertas operaciones no se podrán realizar y es por ello que es un ERROR que debe ser resolvido Saludos cordiales y gracias por usar Giswater | |||||
Hola, disculpa pudiste solucionar el ERROR There is/are 1456 element(s) with id's not integer(s).? | |||||
ERROR 202 | 2 Relevancia | hace 2 años | dayanaa2727 | FORO ES | |
Importe un archivo INP, sin embargo, me genera el siguiente ERROR ERROR-202 (anl_arc, anl_node, anl_connec) (DB OM):There is/are 11 which id is not an integer. Please, check your data before continue Como se podria solucionar? | |||||
Error exporting project to inp file | 2 Relevancia | hace 3 años | Teresa | FORUM EN | |
Hello everyone, I'm new to Giswater and I'm trying to export my project to a .inp file but I get this message: ERROR type: <class 'IndexError'> File name: controller.py Line number: 1891 Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/shc-user/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3\profiles\default/python/plugins\giswater\dao\controller.py", line 1891, in manage_exception_api module_path = inspect.stack()[stack_level][1] IndexError: list index out of range I'm using Qgis 3.16.0 and Giswater 3.4.036. can't find what the function manage_exception_api is looking for. Any ideas? 🙁 | |||||
RE: Error exporting project to inp file | 2 Relevancia | hace 3 años | Teresa | FORUM EN | |
Hello @xtorret, thank you for helping me. I fixed all my ERRORs and warning but nothing changed. I tried executing the export process from PG console and I got this message: {"status":"Failed", "body":{"data":{"info":{"values":[{"message":"null value in column \"result_id\" violates not-null constraint"}]}}}, "NOSQLERR":"null value in column \"result_id\" violates not-null constraint","SQLSTATE":"23502","SQLCONTEXT":"SQL statement \"INSERT INTO rpt_cat_result (result_id, inpoptions) VALUES (v_result, v_inpoptions)\"\nPL/pgSQL function sdf_giavera.gw_fct_p ... | |||||
RE: Error exporting project to inp file | 2 Relevancia | hace 3 años | xtorret | FORUM EN | |
Hello @teresa May be the process of exportation INP it crashes. Reason could be som inconsistency in the data. First thing to do is to check database data using the the check project button (right button with Giswater icone on toolbar). If you solve all ERRORS and WARNINGS may be you will fix your problem. Otherwise, if problem reoccurs, could be because sometimes the exception is not well handled. In this case, you have two possible solutions: 1-To execute export process from PG console looking for ERROR 2-To update version 3.5 your project. Maybe yo ... |
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