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# | Título de la respuesta | Resultado de la información | Fecha | Usuario | Foro |
Função PL/pgSQL criada mas não disponível | 2 Relevancia | hace 2 meses | diegovarela | FÓRUM PT | |
Estou tentando criar uma função em PL/pgSQL através do plugin GISWATER.Mesmo seguindo os passos do tutorial a função criada não está sendo exibida na toolbox do plugin no QGIS mesmo executando o reload no plugin. Adjunto: giswater.png | |||||
RE: Função PL/pgSQL criada mas não disponível | 1 Relevancia | hace 2 meses | abofill | FÓRUM PT | |
Solved on | |||||
How to add raster.dem | 1 Relevancia | hace 9 meses | Geoffrey | FORUM EN | |
Hi I am having trouble loading raster with raster2pgsql to new project. Below is the error raster2pgsql -s 25831 -I -M -C -t 30x30 dem.tif -P -a gw.ext_raster_dem | psql -U postgres -d gw -h localhost -p 5432Processing 1/1: dem.tifPassword for user postgres:BEGINERROR: null value in column "id" of relation "ext_cat_raster" violates not-null constraintDETAIL: Failing row contains (null, null, null, DEM, null, null, null, null, 2024-02-23 04:21:33.537252, postgres).CONTEXT: SQL statement "INSERT INTO ext_cat_raster (id, raster_type, tstamp, insert_user) VALUES (NEW.rastercat_id, 'DEM', now(), current_user)ON CONFLICT (id) DO NOTHING"PL/pgSQL function gw.gw_trg_manage_raster_dem() line 13 at SQL statementERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction blockERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction blockERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block | |||||
HOW TO ADD NODES and ARCS from SHP files | 1 Relevancia | hace 1 año | s.riccardi | FORUM EN | |
Hello everyone, I'm trying to add nodes (JUNCTIONS) in my UD project from a pre-formatted shp file following the same format of the layer v_edit_node When I copy all the elements from my SHP file into the v_edit_node layer and I try to save the changes it returns this: (sorry some text strings are in Italian) Errori: ERRORE: 1122 elementi non aggiunti. Errori della sorgente dati: Errore PostGIS nell'aggiunta degli elementi: ERRORE: Function: [<NULL>] - IT IS NOT ALLOWED TO INSERT/UPDATE ONE NODE WITH STATE(1) OVER ANOTHER ONE WITH STATE (1) ALSO. THE NODE IS: 906. HINT: PLEASE CKECK IT - <NULL> CONTEXT: funzione PL/pgSQL gw_fct_getmessage(json) riga 125 a RAISE istruzione SQL "SELECT gw_fct_getmessage($${"client":{"device":4, "infoType":1, "lang":"ES"},"feature":{}, "data":{"message":"1097", "function":"1334","debug_msg":"906"}}$$);" funzione PL/pgSQL gw_trg_topocontrol_node() riga 82 a EXECUTE istruzione SQL "INSERT INTO node (node_id, code, top_elev, custom_top_elev, ymax, custom_ymax, elev, custom_elev, node_type,nodecat_id,epa_type,sector_id,"state", state_type, annotation,observ,"comment", dma_id,soilcat_id, function_type, category_type,fluid_type,location_type,workcat_id, workcat_id_end, workcat_id_plan, buildercat_id, builtdate, enddate, ownercat_id, muni_id, streetaxis_id, postcode, district_id, streetaxis2_id,postnumber, postnumber2, postcomplement, postcomplement2, descript,rotation,link,verified, undelete,label_x,label_y,label_rotation,the_geom, expl_id, publish, inventory, uncertain, xyz_date, unconnected, num_value, lastupdate, lastupdate_user, asset_id, drainzone_id, parent_id, arc_id, expl_id2) VALUES (NEW.node_id,NEW.code, NEW.top_elev,NEW.custom_top_elev, NEW.ymax, NEW. custom_ymax, NEW. elev, NEW. custom_elev, NEW.node_type,NEW.nodecat_id,NEW.epa_type,NEW.sector_id, NEW.state, NEW.state_type, NEW.annotation,NEW.observ, NEW.comment,NEW.dma_id,NEW.soilcat_id, NEW. function_type, NEW.category_type,NEW.fluid_type,NEW.location_type, NEW.workcat_id, NEW.workcat_id_end, NEW.workcat_id_plan, NEW.buildercat_id,NEW.builtdate, NEW.enddate, NEW.ownercat_id, NEW.muni_id, v_streetaxis, NEW.postcode, NEW.district_id,v_streetaxis2,NEW.postnumber,NEW.postnumber2, NEW.postcomplement, NEW.postcomplement2, NEW.descript, NEW.rotation,NEW.link, NEW.verified, NEW.undelete, NEW.label_x,NEW.label_y,NEW.label_rotation,NEW.the_geom, NEW.expl_id, NEW.publish, NEW.inventory, NEW.uncertain, NEW.xyz_date, NEW.unconnected, NEW.num_value, NEW.lastupdate, NEW.lastupdate_user, NEW.asset_id, NEW.drainzone_id, NEW.parent_id, NEW.arc_id, NEW.expl_id2)" funzione PL/pgSQL takoradiport_drainage.gw_trg_edit_node() riga 529 a istruzione SQL I couldn't find a solution. Do you have any suggestion? | |||||
Error al cargar inp | 1 Relevancia | hace 2 años | dayanaa2727 | FORO ES | |
HOLA, INTENTE CARGAR UN ARCHIVO INP PARA CREAR EL ESQUEMA, SIN EMBARGO NO ME PERMITE CREARLO, YA QUE ME GENERA EL SIGUIENTE ERROR, DE QUE MANERA SE PUEDE SOLUCIONAR? INSERT INTO vi_timeseries SELECT csv1::character varying, csv2::character varying, csv3:: character varying, csv4:: numeric FROM temp_csv where source like '%[TIMESERIES]%' AND fid=239 AND (csv1 NOT LIKE '[% AND csv1 NOT LIKE';%') AND cur_user='postgres' ORDER BY id>> función PL/pgSQL gw_fct_importswmm_inp(json) en la línea 434 en executeno se puede insertar en la vista <<vi_timeseries>> | |||||
RE: Error exporting project to inp file | 1 Relevancia | hace 3 años | Teresa | FORUM EN | |
Hello @xtorret, thank you for helping me. I fixed all my errors and warning but nothing changed. I tried executing the export process from PG console and I got this message: {"status":"Failed", "body":{"data":{"info":{"values":[{"message":"null value in column \"result_id\" violates not-null constraint"}]}}}, "NOSQLERR":"null value in column \"result_id\" violates not-null constraint","SQLSTATE":"23502","SQLCONTEXT":"SQL statement \"INSERT INTO rpt_cat_result (result_id, inpoptions) VALUES (v_result, v_inpoptions)\"\nPL/pgSQL function sdf_giavera.gw_fct_pg2epa_main(json) line 89 at SQL statement"} I also tried to export the project created with the example data and it doesn't work either. So then I tried with giswater 3.5 and it works! Thank you! |