Flap gate not expor...
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Flap gate not exported and node info

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Registrado: hace 4 años
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Hi everyone,

I'm having two issues with my project right now:

1) For some conduits I've set the column "flap" on yes, but when I export the project into a .inp file all the flap gates are set to 'no'. Am I forgetting something else?

2) When I use the info button on nodes there are no info displayed on the window. For everything else the button works properly.

I'm using the latest version of giswater (3.5.015), qgis 3.16.0 and I've already solved all the errors that appeared in the check project. What else could it be?

Thank you



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Registrado: hace 8 años
Respuestas: 5

Hello Teresa,

Thank you for your report

Regarding the exportation of flaps, effectively there is a bug with this, but not only flaps also losses and culverts.

Today we have been fixed it and next week we will release 3.5.016 with this solved.


Regarding your second issue (the info node) is a little bit more complex. Could the problem come from config_info_layer_x_type? In order to check and clarify it, please lets us to 'reset' that table. To do this, you can write this query using some console of PostgreSQL:

DELETE FROM config_info_layer_x_type;
INSERT INTO config_info_layer_x_type SELECT child_layer, 1, child_layer FROM cat_feature;

replacing SCHEMA_NAME by the name of your schema .

I hope this can solve your problem.

Any way your feedback will be very well welcomed!

Thanks for report again!!!



Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 3 años 5 veces por xtorret

New Member
Registrado: hace 4 años
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Dear @xtorret,

thank you for your answer. I tried to reset the config_info_layer_x_type table but nothing changed. I noticed that If I'm using the example file it works, so maybe the problem is that  I created the schema from my inp file and something is missing. 

Active Member
Registrado: hace 8 años
Respuestas: 5

Hi @teresa
Sorry for delay of my answer. I didn't notice it

I would like to help you solving this issue but without more information it is not possible.

The import inp tool it is on beta mode. We could fix it analyzing the inp file. Is there any drawback for you if you provide us this inp file. It will be helpful for us and maybe we can fix other issues for other users. 

Thanks in advance!
