WARNING-239: It seems that inp file not comes from Giswater project. All nodarcs (valves and pumps) will be imported as arc feature
WARNING-239: There are at least one network id with more than 12 digits. This might crash using during the 'on-the-fly' transformations
WARNING-239: Values of options / times / report are not updated. Default values of Giswater are keeped
WARNING-239: If controls exists, it would have been related to the whole sector
WARNING-239: If rules exits, it would have been related to the whole sector
WARNING-239: There is/are 1456 element(s) with id's not integer(s). It creates a limitation to use some functionalities of Giswater
INFO: All non visual objects (curves & patterns) id's have a maximum of 16 digits
INFO: Constraints of schema temporary disabled -> Done
INFO: Inserting data from inp file to temp_csv table -> Done
INFO: Creating map zones and catalogs -> Done
INFO: Inserting data into tables using vi_* views -> Done
INFO: Creating arc geometry from extremal nodes and intermediate vertex -> Done
INFO: Creating arc geometries -> Done
INFO: Enabling constraints -> Done
INFO: Process finished
Hola, disculpa pudiste solucionar el error There is/are 1456 element(s) with id's not integer(s).?
Si elaboras un modelo INP en Giswater, lo puedes cargar en Giswater.
Si elaboras un modelo INP en Giswater, lo cargas en SWMM, lo guardas en SWMM y lo quieres cargar en Giswater, ya no es un archivo inp generado por Giswater, sino que es un archivo INP generado por SWMM
Llegado a este punto, debes saber que Giswater solo carga modelos SWMM/EPANET con los id's de nodos y arcos integers
Espero que hayamos resuelto tus dudas
Gracias por usar Giswater!