GISWATER is an open-source tool for the integral water cycle management (water supply, sewerage or flood risks). It was especially developed and designed for city councils, supramunicipal administrations, water and sewerage services concessionary companies and hydraulic professionals.
Giswater acts as a driver that connects different hydraulic analysis tools and spatial database through which you have access from any geographic information system (GIS). It is compatible with all the elements that compose a water supply or sewerage management system like EPANET, EPA SWMM, GIS, WMS or SCADA and therefore it can be incorporated to the informatic ecosystem of any entity or company dedicated to water management and multiply its benefits.
It is also possible to integrate business management tools like ERP,CRM or Business Intelligence and also corporative mobile devices.
GISWATER is developed in Python and PL-SQL. It is compatible with any spatial database and with all GIS systems.
GISWATER was initialy developed by the Sediment Transport Investigation Group of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (GITS-UPC) and the consulting firm BGEO. Both entities founded at the beginning of 2014 the Giswater Association, the association that since then releases the program versions and dynamize the users and developers community.
Main features
Tool 100% open source. It can be downloaded, modified and distributed without any cost or restriction.
Execution of water supply , sewerage and urban drainage master plans integrated with GIS.
Detailed analysis of flood risks evaluation.
Integration of all water supply or sewerage networks management elements (EPANET, EPA SWMM, GIS, WMS, ERP, mobile devices or SCADA).
Real cooperative work on large hydraulic engineering projects.
Robust, reliable and proven technology (QGIS, PostgreSQL, EPANET, EPA SWMM).